The value you bring!

By, Matheus A. Freitas


Interpreters needed urgently!

High-end computer (self-provided, of course)
Ultra-fast, absolutely rock-solid internet (we prefer fiber)
C2 fluency in at least four languages (because three just isn’t enough)
Full-time availability, but you’re paid only for minutes interpreted (1 to 2 calls an hour)

A generous $0.09 per minute!

I know you’re tired of seeing offers like this one above all around LinkedIn and other job platforms, right?

A bottle of water costs $0.50 at the grocery store, $2 in a restaurant, and $5 at the airport. Your career works the same way!

The water itself doesn’t change—it’s the value attributed to it based on its setting that varies. Likewise, the perceived value of your skills depends on where you're offering them. If you feel undervalued, it might not be you; it could be the environment.

Interpreting is a lot like that—where you provide your services has a direct impact on your perceived value. In one setting, an interpreter may earn far less than in another, not because their skills change, but because of the context. The right environment recognizes and pays for the true worth of your expertise, so seek out spaces that fully value what you bring. Sometimes, it’s the setting that needs to change, not you.

Let's work together to reshape the industry. By consistently demonstrating our worth and refusing to settle for low rates, we can elevate standards in the interpreting industry.

If you agree that this industry needs change, help make this post be seen by sending it to another interpreter!


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